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Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. February 2021

New insights into the degassing dynamics of Lago Albano (Colli Albani volcano, Rome, Italy) during the last three decades (1989-2019)

Volume 140 (2021) f.1

Dmitri Rouwet (1), Giancarlo Tamburello (1), Giovanni Chiodini (1), Giovannella Pecoraino (2), Monia Procesi (3), Tullio Ricci (3), Stefania Venturi (4,5), Alessandro Santi (4), Jacopo Cabassi (5), Orlando Vaselli (4,5), Franco Tassi (4,5) & Antonio Costa (1)

Pages: 29-41
open access
Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. October 2020

Geochemical characterization of an urban lake in the centre of Rome (Lake Bullicante, Italy)

Volume 139 (2020) f.3

Monia Procesi (1), Daniele Cinti (1), Barbara Casentini (2), Jacopo Cabassi (3), Stefano Amalfitano (2), Luca Pizzino (1), Francesco Capecchiacci (4), Andrea Butturini (5) & Stefano Fazi (2)

Pages: 436-449
open access