Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. 136 (2017) f.3

1876-1881: Domenico Lovisato and the geology of Calabria (Southern Italy)

Simone Fabbi (1), Fabiana Console (2) & Marco Pantaloni (3)
(1) Sapienza, Università di Roma.
(2) Biblioteca - ISPRA.
(3) Servizio Geologico d'Italia - ISPRA.
Corresponding author e-mail:
Marco Pantaloni, Servizio Geologico d'Italia – ISPRA, Via V. Brancati, 48, 00144, Roma. Phone: +39.06.50074872.

Volume: 136 (2017) f.3
Pages: 471-484


Celebrating the centennial of Domenico Lovisato's death (1842- 1916), this paper highlights the role played by this eminent Italian geologist as a pioneer for the geological knowledge of Calabria region (Southern Italy), a geologically complex area which became the subject of a long-lasting and still continuing debate.
Lovisato spent only few years in Calabria (1876-1878) teaching as high school professor of mathematics; this period marked a turning point for his scientific growth representing a switch for his career from avocational to full-time geologist. This experience granted him the involvement in the academic career, with the enrollment in the niversity of Sassari and Cagliari as Professor of Mineralogy and Geology (from 1878 until his death, in 1916). Lovisato must be acknowledged as the author of the first 1:50,000 geological map of the Calabria region. As such, he should be mentioned for his ethic approach towards environment, anticipating the catastrophic effect of natural phenomena and the modern concepts of geoethic.


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