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Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. June 2018

Strain localization and sheath fold development during progressive deformation in a ductile shear zone: a case study of macro-to micro-scale structures from the Aspromonte Massif, Calabria

Volume 137 (2018) f.2

Eugenio Fazio (1), Gaetano Ortolano (1), Roberto Visalli (1), Ian Alsop (2), Rosolino Cirrincione (1) & Antonino Pezzino (1)

Pages: 208-218
Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. June 2018

Strain rates of the syn-tectonic Symvolon pluton (Southern Rhodope Core Complex, Greece): an integrated approach combining quartz paleopiezometry, flow laws and PT pseudosections

Volume 137 (2018) f.2

Eugenio Fazio (1), Gaetano Ortolano (1), Roberto Visalli (1), Rosolino Cirrincione (1), Patrizia Fiannacca (1), Hartmut Kern (2), Kurt Mengel (3), Antonino Pezzino (1) & Rosalda Punturo (1)

Pages: 219-237