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Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. October 2011

Calcareous Nannofossil and Planktonic Foraminifera Biostratigraphy of selected Piacenzian-Gelasian Laminites from Southern Italy

Volume 130 (2011) f.3

Enrico Di Stefano(*), Luca Capraro(**), Alessandro Incarbona(*), Francesco Massari(**), Rodolfo Sprovieri(*) & Sergio Bonomo(***)

Pages: 343-351
Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. October 2011

The Miocene successions of the Fiora Hills: considerations about the development of the minor basins of Southern Tuscany

Volume 130 (2011) f.3

Gianluca Cornamusini(*), (**), Luca Maria Foresi(*), Giovanni Massa(**), Filippo Bonciani(**), Ivan Callegari(**), Simone Da Prato(***) & Alessandro Ielpi(*)

Pages: 404-424
Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. February 2010

Subterraniphyllum and free-living Neogoniolithon (coralline algae) from the Oligocene reef facies of Costa d'Ovada (Tertiary Piedmont Basin, Alessandria, NW Italy)

Volume 129 (2010) f.1

Grazia Vannucci(*), Massimiliano Testa(**), Michele Piazza(*) & Paolo Pastorino(***)

Pages: 4-14
Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. February 2010

Tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Pliocene to Lower Pleistocene succession of the Apricena-Lesina-Poggio Imperiale quarrying district (western Gargano, southern Italy)

Volume 129 (2010) f.1

Giulio Pavia(*), Carlo Bertok(*), Giuliano Ciampo(**), Valentino Di Donato(**), Luca Martire(*), Federico Masini(***), Marco Pavia(*), Nicoletta Santangelo(**), Emma Taddei Ruggiero(**) & Marta Zunino(*)

Pages: 132-155
Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. February 2010

Late Quaternary buried lagoons in the northern Campania plain (southern Italy): evolution of a coastal system under the influence of volcano-tectonics and eustatism

Volume 129 (2010) f.1

Nicoletta Santangelo(*), Giuliano Ciampo(*), Valentino Di Donato(*), Paola Esposito(*), Paola Petrosino(*), Paola Romano(*), Elda Russo Ermolli(**), Antonio Santo(***), Francesco Toscano(*) & Igor Villa(****)

Pages: 156-175
Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. October 2010

Stratigraphy of the mid-Cretaceous shallow-water limestones of the Apulia Carbonate Platform (Murge, Apulia, southern Italy)

Volume 129 (2010) f.3

Luigi Spalluto(*) & Mauro Caffau(**)

Pages: 335-352
Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. October 2010

A revision of the stratigraphy and geology of the south-western part of the Crotone Basin (South Italy)

Volume 129 (2010) f.3

Francesco Massari(*), Giacomo Prosser(**), Luca Capraro(*), Eliana Fornaciari(*), Chiara Consolaro(***) & (*)

Pages: 353-384