Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. 130 (2011) f.1

Reply to: Discussion on «The Sardinia-Corsica microplate and its role in the Northern Apennine Geodynamics: new insights from the Tertiary intraplate strike-slip tectonics of Sardinia» by Igino Dieni & Francesco Massari

Giacomo Oggiano(*), Antonio Funedda(**), Luigi Carmignani(***) & Sandro Pasci(****)
(*) Dipartimento di Scienze Botaniche, Ecologiche e Geologiche, Via Piandanna, 4 - 07100 Sassari (Italy). (**) Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Università di Cagliari, Via Trentino, 51 - 09127 Cagliari. Corresponding author: tel. +39 0706757767; fax: +39070282236, email: (***) Centro di GeoTecnologie Università di Siena, Via dei Vetri Vecchi, S. Giovanni Valdarno (AR). (****) Consulente progetto CARG (APAT-RAS), Via Dolcetta - 09122 Cagliari.

Volume: 130 (2011) f.1
Pages: 139-143


In this reply we stress the role played by the Sardinia-Corsica microplate in the geodynamic evolution of the present-day W-Mediterranean during Tertiary. We answer to each of the seven remarks of the discussion proposed by Dieni & Massari, mainly concerning misleading scientific literature on the age of deposits involved in the strike-slip faults of NE Sardinia. Finally, we summarise and best outline the tectonic features of the whole Sardinia and Corsica microplate, which leads us to discuss the interaction between strike-slip tectonics and the N-Apennine evolution during Oligo-Miocene.

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