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Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. February 2024

“il Casone-Monte delle Fate” olistostrome in the middle Eocene of the Eastern External Ligurian Unit (Monti della Tolfa, northern Latium, Italy): new constraints on the geodynamic evolution of the northern Apennines

Volume 143 (2024) f.1

Paola Cipollari, Anas Abbassi & Domenico Cosentino

Pages: 155-172
open access
Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. October 2018

Early Pleistocene (Calabrian) marine bottom oxygenation and palaeoclimate at the southern margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau

Volume 137 (2018) f.3

Nazik Öğretmen (1), Virgilio Frezza (2), Natália Hudáčková (3), Elsa Gliozzi (1), Paola Cipollari (1), Costanza Faranda (1), Giuditta Radeff (1) & Domenico Cosentino (1)

Pages: 452-464
Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. October 2016

Stratigraphic architecture of the upper Messinian deposits of the Adana Basin (Southern Turkey): implications for the Messinian salinity crisis and the Taurus petroleum system

Volume 135 (2016) f.3

Giuditta Radeff (*°), Domenico Cosentino (*°°), Paola Cipollari (*°°), Taylor F. Schildgen (°), Annalisa Iadanza (°°°), Manfred R. Strecker (°), Guldemin Darbaş (***) & Kemal Gürbüz (****)

Pages: 408-424