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Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. June 2014

Using Tephrochronology and palynology to date the MIS 13 lacustrine sediments of the Mercure basin (Southern Apennines - Italy)

Volume 133 (2014) f.2

Paola Petrosino (*), Elda Russo Ermolli (*), Paola Donato (**), Brian Jicha (***), Gaetano Robustelli (**) & Raffaele Sardella (****)

Pages: 169-186
Italian Journal of Geosciences - Vol. February 2010

Late Quaternary buried lagoons in the northern Campania plain (southern Italy): evolution of a coastal system under the influence of volcano-tectonics and eustatism

Volume 129 (2010) f.1

Nicoletta Santangelo(*), Giuliano Ciampo(*), Valentino Di Donato(*), Paola Esposito(*), Paola Petrosino(*), Paola Romano(*), Elda Russo Ermolli(**), Antonio Santo(***), Francesco Toscano(*) & Igor Villa(****)

Pages: 156-175